Dan Stanley is an expert in human development and performance.
Throughout his career, he has coached hundreds of men to become better, more purposeful, more productive, more courageous and higher performing versions of themselves. He has a proven record of enabling other men to succeed in life by helping them to achieve their goals, whilst living balanced lives and experiencing positive wellbeing.
He is an authentic man, a father of two, a loving husband, a son and confidant to many. He is a retired award-winning senior army commando, a key decision maker and contributor in a multi-million pound service business, the former owner of a successful fitness company, and until recently, the national champion in indoor rowing across multiple distances.
After the birth of his first child, he experienced a mid-life crisis. He did the typical guy thing, he buried himself in work and tried his best to suppress what he was feeling.
It didn’t work. He nearly lost everything that was dear to him, including his marriage.
He felt lost, confused and directionless. He was unsure of his purpose and didn’t understand his drivers. His life was out of alignment, he lacked balance and felt like a passenger in his own life.
He found he had many questions that he couldn’t answer. He was forced to learn who he truly was, where his life was going (with or without him) and to accept his failings as a man.
He discovered the answers to these questions by embarking on a journey of introspection, growth and action. His life-changing journey to surpass good and become better proved to be turbulent but transformative. He read books, listened to podcasts, attended retreats and participated in numerous courses around the world.
He has grown and developed into the man he is today because he chose to become a better, more courageous, more loving, more caring, more authentic, more aware and more aligned man.
He turned his mid-life crisis into a mid-life transformation. He now experiences more happiness, fulfilment and success than he ever thought possible.
He draws upon considerable competencies, personal qualities and professional qualifications to enable him to coach other men to achieve long term personal and professional success. He brings a combination of professionalism, strategic thinking, client focus and operational excellence to his coaching practice.
He is a qualified NLP Coach and one of only a handful of Certified High Performance coaches in the UK. He was personally coached and trained by Brendon Burchard, the three-time New York Times best-selling author and creator of the highest rated coaching platform in the world.
Dan is a Coach for men, men that want to live better lives, lead themselves and others more impactfully to create a legacy they’re proud of.
Learn more about booking Dan to speak at your event.
BetterMen is unique. We create a conversational space for men to converse without judgement. This, coupled with our innovative male-orientated coaching framework, transforms the lives of men who want more.
More – more presence, more purpose, more performance, more clarity, more courage, more fulfilment, more energy, more direction, more connection, more love, more happiness and more sense of self.
We invite men to examine their current beliefs, values and mindset. Doing so enables our clients to understand why they are where they are in their lives and how they arrived here.
We then focus heavily on forming new and more useful beliefs, realigning values and creating the internal mindset and external environmental shifts that allow our clients to bridge the gap from where they are to where they want to be.
We make good men better – it’s that simple.
Our mission is to get men to improve their quality of life, to reach and maintain lasting personal and professional success, while enjoying positive relationships and wellbeing.
We believe that for a man to live a successful life, he must be adept at balancing his personal and professional commitments, as well as his physical and mental health. He should nurture his key relationships, while being purposeful and present with the people who matter most to him.
We help men to give and get more from all aspects of their lives.
BetterMen differentiates itself from other coaching programmes as the agenda and focus of the coaching is directed by the coach. Every session has clear outcomes and builds on previous sessions, ensuring constant progression for clients.
Our techniques are supported by the High Performance Institute and stems from a scientifically-tested and proven approach, rooted in decades of research. We combine High Performance Coaching™ with Neuro-Linguist Programming, Behaviour Change Technologies and Male Psychology to enable our clients achieve their goals.
BetterMen inspires, motivates and accelerates the personal and professional development of our clients through our innovative and unique coaching framework.
We aren’t wish-washy, we don’t do BS and there are no grey areas. The only thing we deal in is tangible measurable results. 100% of our clients recommend us. Take a moment to
review our testimonial page.
BetterMen Services
Learn how to identify and improve areas of your life that will quickly make you more purposeful and productive. Set realistic goals to live the life you've always dreamed of.
Learn how to engineer long-lasting motivation to boost your productivity and leave behind the rut your life is stuck in. Make time for yourself to alleviate burnout and successfully meet your life's goals.
Learn how to reset your work-life balance for enormous mental and physical benefits. Enjoy the fruits of your career with your loved ones. Be successful in both your professional life and your personal life.
If you're interested in our services and would like more information, please complete the form below for a copy of the BetterMen brochure.
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