'Professional development expert warns men against bottling up frustrations over the festive period'
Written by Scott Media in Total Cardiff
Christmas is seen to be one of the happiest and most wonderful time of the year, but unfortunately this is not always the case for many. YouGov report that 88% of people asked are lonely at Christmas and 81% find it stressful.
With this in mind, how many professional men are 'keeping up appearances' and bottling up how difficult they find the festive season, be it family struggles, money worries or just being overwhelmed.
Written by anotherdoor in Rethink Work
In 2017 , I was left unsure of my life's direction I came to a sobering conclusion that our view of masculinity is not serving a purpose.
This conclusion lead to the writing of my Amazon bestseller Rethinking Masculinity - a modern man's guide to masculinity.
The book is a deliberately challenging and proactive read that invites men to question their trajectory.
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Written by Jessica Summers in Mail Online
According to the National Childbirth Trust, one in 10 dads will experience depression during their partner’s pregnancy. I was one of those dads. Men can definitely develop postnatal depression too. In this article I tell my story of suffering from post-natal depression following the birth of my first child in 2016 which nearly led to the breakdown of my marriage and left me suicidal. This led me to a journey of self-development and growth. I developed the tools to change and become a better version of myself.
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'Turn Stagnation Into Success'
Written by Dan Stanley in Muscle and Health
It’s estimated that the average UK adult makes around 35,000 decisions per day! That’s theoretically 35,000 times per day that we’re producing a ripple of consequences throughout our lives. If we were to think about those 35,000 decisions consciously, we’d be living in a constant state of overwhelm and paralysis. We’re subconsciously sleepwalking through life and according to Dr Mark Williamson, psychology professor “when running on autopilot, we often make unhelpful choices, so we feel trapped and like we’re living someone else’s life.” In this article, I go into detail on how to disengage the autopilot and live life consciously conscious.
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'How to Beat Burnout in 7 Days'
Written by Dan Stanley in Muscle and Health
Burnout is a disabling ailment triggered by excessive work, and it’s been especially prevalent in the past year since the onset of the Covid crisis. Working from home has created an unhealthy work/life balance, where ‘the office’ was only a trip upstairs to the study and the commute ‘home’ was a trip to the couch.
Burnout is no joke. It can destroy your health, your marriage and friendships if left unchecked. The responsibility to turn things around lies with you. Find out How to Beat Burnout in 7 days in my recent article in Muscle and Health. Take back control of your life.
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Written by Dan Stanley in Muscle and Health
November is the unofficial male month of the year, highlighting both Movember and International Men’s Day, which focus on men’s mental health and wellbeing. As we emerge from what we hope will be the worst of the pandemic, uncertainty, concerns and anxieties remain. Even before the pandemic, men’s mental health was a cause for concern.
Possibly the greatest contest men encounter when it comes to their experience with mental health is the stigma linked to it and the fear of judgement that may follow. In my recent article in Muscle and Health called “November and the Elephant”, I shed a light on the masculine ‘elephant in the room’, men’s mental health, best practices, how you can help yourself and others.
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'Dan Stanley on Five Things You Need To Be A Highly Effective Leader During Turbulent Times'
Interview with Fotis Georgiadis of Authority Magazine
Leadership in turbulent times is tricky yet critical. Leaders must consider how they support people and performance equally. Even the most experienced leaders can at times fall into the deception of feeling like they must produce new strategies and new solutions, but they don’t. Especially not when they discover themselves in unstable times. It’s a balancing act. Find out the five traits you need to be a highly effective leader during turbulent times in Dan's recent interview with Authority Magazine.
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'Loneliness: one of the biggest threats to men'
Written by Dan Stanley in workingdads
Loneliness is a state of discomfort or distress that can trigger fatigue, anxiety and depression. This state of mind is usually brought on due to a gap between a man’s want for social connection and experiencing this connection. I believe male loneliness to be the biggest threat to modern men’s wellbeing. Find out the factors behind this “silent pandemic” and how to redefine the norms of what it is to be a man.
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'Workaholism: The Respectable Addiction'
Written by Dan Stanley in Menswear Style
For those men that progress from a habitual to a compulsive demeanour, they can often find that their continued weighting of work creates significant challenges in their lives, particularly when married and with children. Workaholism is seemingly most prevalent in Type A’s; those men that are hype competitive and obsessively outcome oriented – the same men that undoubtedly go on to excel in their corporate companies or build hugely successful businesses. Workaholics can forget work/life balance as most of the time they’re experiencing work/life conflict. If you are curious about workaholism,
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