Don’t just read the quotes. Instead, take a moment to consider them and hold them up against your life.
This month’s quote theme is: The Cost of Complacency.
The cost of complacency for many middle-aged men is high, often leading to a sense of stagnation or decline, perhaps most prevalent in their 40’s and 50’s. After reaching certain milestones, like career success, family stability, or financial security, it’s easy to settle into a routine and lose the drive that once fuelled ambition. This complacency can lead to a lack of personal growth, mental stagnation, and a diminished sense of purpose.
Many men fall into this trap because they stop challenging themselves. The urgency to improve fades, and they become comfortable with "good enough." As a result, they stop setting new goals, risking a slow drift into dissatisfaction. In this period of life, the absence of meaningful progress or reinvention can lead to frustration or even a midlife crisis. To avoid languishing, men must actively push back against comfort, (if you haven’t already done so, read The Comfort Crisis, Michael Easter) continue seeking new challenges, and nurture personal growth throughout the entirety of their life span. Take a moment to consider the quotes below:
Sit down, take a minute, read, reflect or journal on the prompts presented.
This month’s prompt theme is: Personal Energy.
Personal energy is everything! It’s the fuel that powers our actions, decisions, and successes. Without consistently high levels of energy, even the most determined men will struggle to focus and fully reach their potential.
Whilst our personal energy is our life fuel, most take it for granted. Many middle-aged men, especially those living life at a frantic, overworked pace, or those lacking goals and languishing in a rut, live in what I call an energy deficit. They mismanage the basics of life: sleep, nutrition, movement and connection. As a result, they feel constantly depleted; they’re prone to diminished focus, susceptible to distraction and feel increasingly mediocre.
Contrastingly, when a man’s energy is strong and well-managed, he’s able to engage deeply with life: think about relationships, parenting and work, and can literally be the architect of his personal and professional future. The bottom line is, that by nurturing and prioritising personal energy, men can enjoy the life they've worked hard to build; they can live with higher levels of engagement, enthusiasm, and purpose. Take a moment to consider the prompts below:
This month’s recommendation is: Middle Man Podcast.
Featuring myself and host, Paul Sutton, we discuss the challenges of our midlife crises and go on to share our personal experiences of self-discovery. We look at the importance of self-awareness and why shedding our masks is an important midlife transition. Our conversation progresses to discuss why many midlife men feel trapped by the constructs of masculinity, by societal expectations and the lives they’ve built for themselves – whilst following the trajectory of ‘traditional success’. We talk about the importance of redefining success, beyond external achievements, and why finding a space, or group, to express oneself without judgment is crucial, especially in midlife.
These are key considerations for leading a purposeful and content life. Take a listen, let me know what you think:
This month’s book recommendation is: Die with Zero.
Imagine if, by the time you died, you did everything you were told to: you worked hard, saved your money, and looked forward to financial freedom when you retired - but the only thing you wasted along the way was… your life. Die with Zero presents a startling new and provocative philosophy as well as a practical guide on how to get the most out of your money—and out of your life. It’s intended for those who place lifelong memorable experiences far ahead of simply making and accumulating money for one’s so-called Golden Years.
In short, author Bill Perkins wants to rescue us from over-saving and under-living; it’s a common-sense guide to living rich instead of dying rich.
Navigating the agony of irrelevance is a journey reserved only for the successful…
I was reading a book recently which captured perfectly how I felt when I left the military. Long story short, in the last chapter of my military career, I held a position that enabled me to re-design the way Army Commandos were trained.
My team and I were considered exceptionally successful. We increased the number of soldiers who passed the All-Arms Commando course whilst concurrently ensuring the standard, and ethos of Army commandos wasn’t diluted. Despite successes and awards, even before I left the military, my position, my office, someone else was already in my seat, answering my calls and emails, leading my team and training my soldiers…
Time and time again, I hear other men, sometimes clients, talk about the agony of almost overnight irrelevance. In the book, Strength to Strength, A.C Brooks shares: ‘Almost nothing feels worse than becoming irrelevant, or even useless, to others who once held us in high regard’.
And yet, for men who give their all to their career, or business, as soon as they leave, sell, or exit, they’re pretty much irrelevant to those they leave behind.
Know this.
No one cares as much as you do about your job, your career or your business. When the time comes to move on, be ready for the painful transition, the question marks around identity and the inevitable agony of irrelevance.
Yours in becoming better.
This month’s TED Talk is: The Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers.
In this TedTalk, Adam Grant, thought leader, organisational psychologist and host of the superb podcast WorkLife, shares why he believes creative people come up with great, original ideas. He terms these types of people as ‘Originals’ and in this talk shares the three most common habits of Originals, the difference between self-doubt and idea doubt, why you don’t have to be first but you have to be different. Adam Grant is a superb thinker and communicator; he’s one of the few people I follow. This is useful, a must-watch TedTalk.
Despite a mixed forecast and a strong threat of rain, we somehow, and unusually, managed to stay dry throughout the entirety our of September walk.
With 10 miles offering us plenty of time in each other’s company, the conversation was constant and of quality, and with only a couple of buggers to push our heart rates, it was a great walk – just don’t mention the herds of cattle we had to navigate!
Our discussion topic was to share a defining moment in our lives that has made us who we are today… It was the catalyst for us all to get real, get honest and recognise the significance our own unique journeys.
Here are the dates for the remainder of the year: 20 Oct, 17 Nov, 14/15 Dec - stay tuned for the details for our Festive Gathering, with a twist.
If you’re keen to lace up your boots and join us, register below.
If you want to walk September's route, it can be Accessed Here
Additionally, here’s a collection of images from our September walk:
Click Here
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